sleeping senior couple with male snoring

Snoring: Is It Dangerous?

We’ve all had our fair share of restless nights. But for many, sleeping can be a daunting task. It’s no secret that snoring is one of the most frequent concerns of couples. Especially for men, respiratory issues can occur as they drift off to dreamland.

Snoring may worsen when a person gains weight and ages. Thus, getting a good night’s sleep seems almost impossible. But fret not; you can get rid of that noise and ease your sleeping experience.

All About Snoring

Snoring is a disease that primarily affects men, although it can also impact women. Some medical study has proven that while moderate snoring is not a significant medical disease, it can evolve into a much more severe condition. This situation poses possible risks to one’s healthy lifestyle.

Loud snoring may negatively influence your sleep quality and be a nuisance, especially to your spouse or anybody else who sleeps close. As interruptions in your sleep patterns occur, a variety of sleep-related disorders may develop the next day.

Snoring Diagnosis

If you know someone who frequently snores loudly, it is best to seek medical attention. Loud snoring may be an indication of a more serious medical problem known as obstructive sleep apnea. On the other hand, it might be due to an issue with sleeping posture or airways.

Your doctor will review your medical history and do a series of physical tests to determine if something is obstructing your airways. Additional testing may be necessary, such as the following:


Your doctor may request an MRI, X-ray, or CT scan to rule out any underlying issues.

Sleep Study

Your doctor will ask if you want to stay the night at the lab or if you want to bring home a sleep-monitoring gadget to record your sleep. This device will assist in identifying and measuring sleep-related information to detect anomalies in your sleep pattern. It can keep track of your respiration, brain activity, and heart rate as you sleep.

child sleeping heavily

Causes of Snoring

Snoring occurs when there are disruptions in the passage of air between your nose and mouth. Several factors can cause this condition, including the following.

Nasal Airway Blockage

Many people only snore when they have allergies or sinus infections. But, more persistent nasal issues can block the airways. These could come in the form of a deviated septum and nasal polyps. Many people with these problems elect to have nasal reconstructive surgery to improve their breathing and stop snoring.

Poor Tongue and Throat Muscle Tone

When your throat and tongue muscle tones are overly relaxed when sleeping, they might collapse and obstruct your airways. Additionally, your sleeping position might add to this problem. If your tongue and throat muscles aren’t strong enough to keep the airways open, resting on your back can result in airway obstruction.

Bulky Tonsils

Your tonsils and adenoids may get bigger than usual if you are overweight. It can produce an obstruction in your airways, resulting in snoring.

Elongated Uvula or Soft Palate

When the hanging tissue at the back of your mouth, also known as the uvula or soft palate, elongates significantly, the opening from your nose to your neck might become small. Breathing can cause your uvula to shake and bump against one other, causing your airways to become severely obstructed.

Sleep Apnea

Breathing pauses between loud snoring might be a sign of sleep apnea, especially if you encounter them while sleeping. Eventually, your brain will tell you to wake up, causing sleep disturbances. When you first wake up, you may feel out of breath and gasping for oxygen.

Treatments of Snoring

Lifestyle Changes

Your doctor may advise you to reduce weight and avoid consuming harmful foods. You will also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lose any excess fat that may be obstructing your breathing. Your doctor may also advise you to avoid consuming alcohol before going to bed.

Sleeping Posture

Improving your sleep posture plays a critical role in your breathing. Your doctor might recommend changing your mattress and pillows to aid your sleeping position. According to Willow Home & Living, the type of cushion cover you use is also important. So, make sure to get one that is not too furry or velvety to avoid disrupting your sleep.

Removable Orthodontic Appliances

Before retiring to sleep, your doctor may recommend that you wear a tiny flexible plastic gadget in your mouth. This device can help keep your airways open by moving your tongue or jaw. For more information about oral appliances, you may contact your local dental clinic for snoring treatments.


You may have a nasal blockage if you have breathing issues that oral appliances cannot address. To stop snoring, you may need surgery to remove tissues or blockages from your throat and soft palate.

Final Thoughts

Snoring has several reasons, and there are a variety of ways to cure the problem. So, don’t allow snoring to destroy your relationship or your ability to have a good night’s sleep.

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