baby playing with toys

Baby-proofing Room by Room: Keeping Your Home Safe for Your Kid

Having a baby is an exciting phase, especially for new moms and dads. And as you probably know by now, it also entails an endless list of new responsibilities. That includes sharing the childcare duties equally between you and your wife and changing your schedules and priorities.

Every new milestone means the need for additional attention and care. When your baby starts eating, you have to research the best food for them. Children usually start walking at around nine months. This is the time that you need to watch them more closely. Then, they will start becoming curious about their environment. Small items around the house should be out of their reach.

It’s normal that you are always worried about your baby’s safety. You fear that they might get hurt, and that is totally valid. However, it’s natural for them to be extra curious and be on explorer mode at this stage.

Change up a few things at home. This will bring your peace of mind. At the same time, your baby will be freer to explore and go on their little adventures.

But before you get busy making your home comfortable for your child, keep in mind that overworking is bad for you. Dads need rest, too. Watch your favorite movie, pamper your skin with your favorite items from trusted skincare stores like Freia Aesthetics, and get quality sleep. If you are in top shape, the better you can provide care for your child. Take time to slow down and look after your own needs.

Here are the steps to make every area of your house safe for your baby.


Your baby’s nursery is the first room you have to make safe. If you use a crib for your baby, make sure it’s away from outlets or windows. The room must also be free from objects on high shelves that might fall on your baby while they sleep.

If your baby is old enough for a crib and uses a bed, make sure the bed is cushioned. Use a lot of pillows so that they don’t bump their head on the wall or the bed corners. This is only for babies old enough to remove any object blocking their face. Children under 1-year-old are at risk of suffocation.

For the windows, use cordless blinds. This is to prevent accidental strangulation in looped cords. You can also opt to install window guards.

Put away toys that can cause choking. Only give your child big toys that don’t have small removable parts.

Living Room

Appliances like TV should be out of your child’s reach. Mount the TV on the wall and keep the remote away. Invest in floor carpeting to avoid slipping and falling. This will make it easier for them to crawl. You should also keep the floor clear of cord cables that could trip your baby while they walk or run.

If you have plenty of home decors made of glass and picture frames, it’s best to put them away for a while. Or put them on shelves your baby won’t reach. Buy and install covers for electric outlets. Electrocution from outlets is pretty common.


With a baby or a without, your kitchen should always be clean. You should feed your baby in a clean environment.

Invest in a high chair so feeding won’t be difficult. They will be able to use it in a couple of years. It will also make mealtimes enjoyable for you.

Babies only need to use small spoons, so keep all the other cutlery away. Knives and forks are obviously dangerous. You can also buy utensils specifically made for babies.

Use childproof locks for your lower cabinets. They should not be able to open where you store cleaning materials and chemicals. Babies can also yank open refrigerator doors. Buy a latch and install it somewhere on the upper part of the ref door. It would help if you also stopped using tablecloths in the meantime. Babies love grabbing things, and it can lead to disasters sometimes.


One of the most unsafe places in your house is the bathroom. Make sure to pay extra attention to this area.

Keep the bathroom floor dry at all times or use rubber mats. This also helps avoid accidental slips, not only for the children in the house.

Always keep the toilet lid down. You can also put a latch on the lid so that your child can’t open it. Always keep the heater temperature normal. And install faucet spout covers, so they can’t play with water. Keep all your toiletries in a safe cabinet.

Parenting sure is stressful and tiring. However, all the effort will be worth it if you can assure that your child is safe and free to explore.

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