couple senior citizens had a good sleep

Self-Esteem in Seniors: What You Can Do to Help

In 2020, over 56 million adults in the United States were 65 or older. They make up 16.9 percent of the population. By 2030 that number is expected to rise to 73.1 million people, meaning one out of every five Americans will be a senior citizen at that time. The US Census Bureau predicts there could be 85.7 million elderly adults living in America by 2050.

With age comes wisdom, but it can also come with a decrease in self-confidence. Many seniors feel they’re no longer useful or needed, which can lead to depression and loneliness. Fortunately, there are ways that families and senior adults can help build self-esteem in the elderly.

Encourage Goal Setting and Accomplishment

Setting goals is an essential part of feeling good about yourself. It gives you purpose and something to look forward to. Encourage your elderly family member or friend to set achievable goals for themselves. That could be anything from learning a new hobby or taking up a physical activity; the sky’s the limit. As they accomplish their goals, they’ll feel pride and accomplishment, boosting their confidence.

When setting goals, senior adults should consider their physical, mental, and emotional health. Make sure the goals are realistic so that senior adult doesn’t become discouraged if they don’t achieve them. If necessary, help to break down big goals into smaller ones that can be achieved more easily.

Keep track of progress, so your elderly family member or friend is reminded how far they’ve come in their quest to achieve their goals. Celebrate each success and keep the momentum going! With your continued support and encouragement, they’ll gain a sense of purpose, develop new skills, and build confidence.

Senior couple riding on bikes in a park.

Get Outdoors and Socialize

Being active helps people of all ages stay healthy both physically and mentally. The outdoors has been proven to reduce stress levels while providing an opportunity for socialization and connection. Get your elderly loved one involved in activities like hiking, bird watching, and gardening so that they can benefit from getting out into nature while also interacting with others who share similar interests.

You can also let senior adults undergo a reputable painless hair removal procedure. The procedure removes unsightly hair and enhances the appearance of senior adults. It is a safe procedure that gives the elderly guaranteed results with no negative side effects. Furthermore, it helps senior adults feel and look younger while increasing their self-confidence.

Finally, you can encourage your elderly loved one to take up an interesting hobby or craft to keep them occupied and engaged in a meaningful activity. Whether it’s painting, woodworking, or poetry, an engaging hobby is an excellent way for your elderly loved one to stay engaged and socially connected. There are also plenty of online resources available that provide a variety of exciting activities and hobbies for senior adults to explore

These activities keep seniors active, healthy, and socially connected. They can also help reduce feelings of isolation while providing a sense of purpose and satisfaction. By introducing your elderly loved one to these activities, you can ensure they continue to enjoy life in their golden years.​

Increase Engagement with Technology

Technology is everywhere these days—and it’s not just for millennials. Showing seniors how technology can enhance their lives will keep them engaged and allow them to stay connected with family members and friends near and far. They can stay up-to-date on news stories, look up recipes for dinner ideas, and even read books electronically—the possibilities are endless.

When increasing the engagement of senior adults with technology, you should strive to create a safe and secure environment. Make sure they know the difference between public and private information and how to spot phishing emails and other scams. Additionally, provide educational resources on selecting secure passwords and encrypting data, so they can securely use technology without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

In addition to security measures, you should strive to make the experience as user-friendly and accessible as possible. Think about using easy-to-read fonts, increasing the text size, and providing voice commands for those with vision impairments or motor skill difficulties. Offering technical support resources—such as an FAQ page or a help desk—can also be beneficial in guiding seniors through the process of getting accustomed to technology.

With guidance and assistance, seniors can enjoy the many benefits of utilizing technology and staying engaged in their golden years.

Seniors should feel empowered as they approach old age instead of feeling worn down by it. The key is to focus on things that make them feel accomplished or give them purpose. They can set goals, go outdoors, socialize with friends, or become tech-savvy. These activities will contribute greatly to raising their self-esteem levels. When you help someone feel good about themselves, you make the world around them brighter; don’t forget that we all need this kind of support sometimes.

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