women waxing their legs

Waxing vs. Shaving: Which Is Better?

To shave or to wax? That is a question with many debates around it. Both methods are different in both materials and processes used. However, the result is the same: no hair!

For waxing, there are two types of wax: hard wax and soft wax. Hard wax is applied on the surface of the skin and removed without the use of strips. On the other hand, soft wax requires strips after the wax is applied. The strips are placed on top of the wax before pulling swiftly against the direction of growth.

As for razors, there are different types, too. There are disposable cartridges and electric razors. The orientation of the blades, length of use, and function may be different, but they all do the same thing. They cut the top layer of the hair while leaving the root underneath the skin.

The Time and Process

Waxing, both soft and hard, requires some time to do. It’s best to set a monthly schedule for it so you can take your time. You can set an appointment in a waxing salon or do it yourself on a day off from work. Most of the time, it’s best done by a professional or someone who’s gone to esthetician school. In the process of waxing, angles (both in the application and in pulling) play a crucial role. Unless you’ve mastered this, you’ll risk breaking hair instead of pulling from the roots. Meanwhile, shaving is convenient and takes a relatively shorter time to do. With just a razor, you can remove the top layer of your hair with ease. Apply a shaving gel or cream on the skin before shaving for less friction, ingrown hair, and burns. It helps the razor glide with great ease and with less tension on the skin.

The Difference in Regrowth

a person getting their chest hair shaved

Contrary to popular belief, shaving doesn’t necessarily make the regrowth “thicker,” it just appears that way. Since shaving only “cuts” off the top layer of your hair, the regrowth is thicker because the hair continues to grow. Shaving did not discontinue the existing growth; it only cut the hair short. In waxing, the hair is pulled from the root; thus, the regrowth is finer and sometimes even less. Additionally, shaving is done more often than waxing. It takes three days to a week for hair to grow out again after you shave. Meanwhile, waxing can be done once a month.

Pros and Cons

For a busy day, a razor can be your best friend. With just a quick shave before you leave the shower, you can go on with your day. But is this a good solution in the long run? Although it’s quick, easy, painless, and an accessible option, it may harm your skin. Shaving, especially with a blunt blade, can cause ingrown hair, razor burns, cuts, and skin irritation. Furthermore, frequent shaving can result in underarm hyperpigmentation.

As mentioned, wax has a better result in regrowth. Other than finer and lesser regrowth, it takes about a couple of weeks before you need another wax appointment. However, growth patterns and timelines differ from person to person. This perk could only be applicable to others.

However, some side effects include burns, bleeding, or infection. This heavily depends on how the wax is administered. When choosing a waxing hair removal service provider, be sure to inquire and read up reviews about their sanitary practices. Additionally, you may experience some redness, bumps, and itching, but all these are temporary. For first-timers, it’s common to experience minor bleeding. As long as the area is clean, it won’t be at risk of infection.

Which Is Better?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question because it all depends on the person. Often, we forget that individual differences determine which method of hair removal is ideal. A remote worker has more time spent at home compared to another who works a 9-to-5 job and has to rush in the mornings for the commute. A person with more melatonin is more prone to skin darkening than another person with less melatonin. A person’s lifestyle, regrowth timeline, skin type, and overall preference contribute to their choice.

Final Thoughts

Both hair removal methods are valid. Whichever way makes a person feel more comfortable and confident is the suitable method for them to use. There shouldn’t be a problem as long as they’re performed correctly, safely, and responsibly with the right tools. Remember to do some prep and aftercare to your skin no matter which method you choose.

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