A Guide for Dads: Taking Care of the Elderly amid the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for every family member. Not only does it pose a threat to physical health but also mental health. If left unattended, it can take a toll on an individual’s overall well-being.

But as the head of the family, you will most likely pay attention to your spouse and your children. Your goal is to keep your family safe from the threat of the novel coronavirus. At the same time, you want to ensure their psychological well-being.

In addition, you must not neglect the elderly, whether your parents or your spouse’s parents. Know that older people are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. If left unattended, they can get infected, hospitalized, and even die.

That said, here’s how to take care of your seniors during the pandemic:

1. Put them in a safe place

The topmost consideration is ensuring that your seniors live in a safe place. This place must be free of the various strains of novel coronavirus. Whether they’re staying with you or living separately, take the time to check the place and ensure its 100-percent cleanliness, disinfection, and sanitation.

One excellent option is to put them in an assisted living facility instead of living them alone in their place. An assisted living community isn’t just a nursing home. It is a place where they receive more than just health care services. It is like a home where they’ll be properly taken care of.

2. Get a home healthcare service

Another option is to hire a home health care service for your seniors. If you don’t want them alone in their place, consider bringing health professionals into your home. In fact, home health care service has been on the rise during the pandemic.

Home health service goes beyond health professionals visiting a house to provide medical and healthcare services. They also provide health support services like physical therapy, skilled nursing, and chiropractic service. Plus, caregivers offer home health aides (like bathing, drinking, and eating) and household maintenance services (like housekeeping, laundry, and grocery).


3. Use telehealth for medical consultation

Telehealth has increasingly become popular during the pandemic. If you have seniors needing medical checkups and treatments, resort to telehealth and telemedicine. As long as it’s not a serious health condition that requires an inpatient stay in a medical facility, telehealth is a viable solution. That way, your loved ones won’t get the risk of getting COVID-19 infected.

Telehealth and telemedicine encompass medical diagnoses and treatments. They do not only offer virtual medical checkups and remote patient monitoring (RPM). They also provide dispense of medication and filing of insurance claims. Thanks to digital and technological innovations, they make these types of digital services possible!

4. Stock up on medications and medical supplies

It’s common for the elderly to have tons of medications, from maintenance drugs to vitamins and supplements. Your seniors need a stock of medical supplies during the pandemic now more than ever. It isn’t safe for them to drop by a pharmacy and buy some medications from time to time.

The best course of action is to ask their list of medications and buy a stock for them. If not, purchase online and get these medications and medical supplies delivered right at their doorsteps. Just be sure you have the prescriptions and get them from trusted sources. You don’t want them to risk getting the medications from a pharmacy. Besides, older people aren’t allowed to go outdoors in most places.

5. Communicate with them regularly

Communication is vital during the pandemic as it is key to survival. Know that home isolation and the uncertainty of times can lead to stress, psychological distress, anxiety, and depression. As such, you must take ample time to talk to your seniors. Doing so will help them cope with the current pandemic situation.

The initial step is to explain to your elderly the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss with them how they can protect themselves. Also, be sure to advise your seniors to be open about their physical health conditions and mental state. If they show symptoms of COVID-19, let them contact you or reach out to health professionals immediately. Lastly, assure them that you’ll always be there for them, no matter what.

Taking care of the elderly is paramount. Make sure to put them in a safe place, get home health care, and use telehealth services for them. Also, don’t forget to stock up on medical supplies and communicate with them regularly. As seniors are the most vulnerable during this pandemic, they must be kept safe and protected at all times.

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